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College Street Players is a community theatre organization located in Harstelle, Alabama.  Our purpose is to offer opportunities for all interested persons, including young and old alike, to participate in the production and enjoyment of quality theatre presentations and in the many activities of community theatre. We are all volunteers eager to see people enjoy the shows both from in front of the curtain and behind the curtain.
CSP Board Members
Marcia Sartin - President
Dynette Weeks - Vice President
Stephanie Yarbrough - Second Vice President
Sonya McKelvy - Secretary
Terry Kay - Treasurer
Andy Faulk - Media Coordinator
Dena Nagel
Lauren Norton
James Yarbrough
Melissa Brown
Dana McCuthceon
Aleah Bridges
Jenny Faulk
Kelsey Hensley
Elaine Balch - Board Member Emeritus
CSP Colleagues
Amberly Bridges
Aaron Wilcox
Eddie Wallace
Elizabeth Willingham
Cindy Davidson
Daniel Norton
Margaret Rodgers
Elizabeth Weeks
David Giambrone
Donald Weeks
James Sartin



In memory of our dear friend and mentor, Mr. Edd Balch - "It's Your Show."

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